Esoclectic Obsessions: The Beginning

Since I was about 12 years old, I've been obsessed with fabulous interiors. A trip with my mother to see the Vanderbilt's summer home in Newport, Rhode Island, The Breakers, (above) was all it took to get me addicted. My love for historic homes and elaborate interiors, enhanced by my love for classic literature, inspired many trips to the public library's architecture section. Architecture. Art. Furniture. History. Literature. Texture. These passions have led me on my path to interior design. 

Funny how your life's path intertwines with your passions, even when you don't set out to follow them. My passion for literature led me to attend The University of Tampa and obtain a BA in English Literature and then, to become a high school English teacher. Along that path, I met my husband, whom I call my modern-day-Renaissance-man because of his love for writing, wood-working, renovation, theater, music, and art, which all seem to contradict with his success in the IT world (but yes, he also loves sci-fi!). His love of writing led us to the Boston area, where he earned an MFA from Emerson College. Transplanting our family from Florida to New England destined us for another romance: our five bedroom, 1900 Colonial Revival home in Gloucester, which was in desperate need of re-birth and good design. Of course, after 5 years, we are still renovating!

And, the home renovation process brought me back to look through those books on architecture and design again...

Meanwhile, teaching English and doing hours of homework, while managing an elderly house, a tantrum-throwing toddler and a precocious pre-schooler was feeling like a suicide cocktail. So, I abandoned the teaching profession for part-time office work at a non-profit and went back to school, taking classes in interior design.

Now, mid 2012, I launch Esoclectic Interior and Event Design, and my passions have become my business!